The 2nd Symposium on Cross-Border Education was held: joint development of intercultural competence

On Wednesday, June 30, the Directorate of International Relations under the Secretariat of Institutional Relations of the UNLP, through its Director, Abog. Agostina Curcio participated in the presentation of the 2nd Symposium on Cross-Border Education: joint development of intercultural competence, within the framework of the ERASMUS + PROFIC project, co-financed by the European Union. 130 people from different institutions in Latin America and Europe participated, especially from the twelve entities that are part of the project: Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUAL): University of Guadalajara (UdG) and Universidad Veracruzana (UV), from Mexico; National University of Córdoba (UNC), National University of La Plata (UNLP) and National University of Lanús (UNLa), from Argentina; Guglielmo Marconi University (USGM), from Italy; University of Deusto (UD), from Spain; Technological University of El Salvador (UTEC) and Don Bosco University (UDB), from El Salvador; and University of Groningen (RUG), from the Netherlands.
At the opening, the Project Coordinator, Dr. Dane Lukic, and Abog. Agostina Curcio described the scope of the already implemented phases of the program (workshop and community stage) and the results.
Then, three panels were presented with representatives from all the universities that participated in the project. The main achievements and challenges involved in the implementation of the pilot program on intercultural competences PROFIC were presented. Likewise, experiences, reflections and ideas were exchanged to be applied in the labor spheres within the universities, whether in teaching, non-teaching or management functions, among others. One of the moderators was Dr. Elena Golovushkina, professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the UNLP.
Also, local facilitators from the seven Latin American universities of the project were part of the panels, who shared their experiences of supporting the learning of the participants during the community stage of the program.
Finally, a space for debate was provided on the sustainability of professional development in intercultural competence.